Agile Humans - Agile, Scrum, LeSS i Kanban treninzi

Za sve članove SAM-a popust od 20%

Datum: 22.Oct.2019

Certified Team Kanban Practitioner Training

Ponuda važi do: 25.10.2019.

Team Kanban Practitioner:
- The basics of Kanban to enable a team to get started.
- Getting the work organized; Improving visibility, communication and collaboration
- Learn core concepts of the Kanban Method. Team members will learn how to be effective within a Kanban team.

● Understand core concepts of the Kanban Method
● Learn the 4 types of Team Kanban systems and when each is appropriate
● How to run daily Kanban meetings
● How to proceed to the next level with Kanban

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Certified LeSS Practitioner Training

Ponuda važi do: 22.10.2019.

The Certified LeSS Practitioner course provides the most practical and actionable approach to creating value through the scaling of Scrum related Agile in global enterprises and distributed teams. While LeSS is a simple framework to enable empirical process control, LeSS is packed with proven advice and practices for achieving value fast on large and complex projects. It provides a start-to-finish approach for large initiatives across the entire project spectrum and lifecycle, starting from sprint planning to
retrospective. Each of the topics includes an exploration of applying the practices using individual and team exercises. The exercises illustrate how to transfer the training into practice. Every exercise ends with a debrief and a discussion, so that people can relate what they've learned to their own situation, and bring up questions and experiences to be addressed by the whole group.

All participants will be a Certified LeSS Practitioner and will get an account on website and access additional information about LeSS, share course information and stay in contact with the other course participants and LeSS practitioners. All participants get access to a digital version of the new book: Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS.

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Certified Agile and Scrum Master

Ponuda važi do: 3.11.2019.

This two-day Scrum Master training course is structured around the understanding and application of an agile framework for project management – Scrum. Through a varied mix of both theory and practical exercises, the participants learn about the Agile, Scrum roles, processes, ceremonies and artifacts, and also gain insights on how to apply this framework in their own context. With Scrum, you can facilitate the efficiency of work processes, promote a healthy organizational culture, and build quality products in line with market needs. Scrum Masters are in big demand and seen as a career with great long term prospects, which makes this training a popular choice for those wishing to start a more agile journey towards the future.

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Agile Humans d.o.o. je kompanija osnovana 1. februara 2019. godine, dok brend Agile Humans postoji nešto duže od godinu dana. Od svog nastanka, Agile Humans sprovodi niz aktivnosti:
- koučing i konsalting iz agilnih metodologija
- otvoreni treninzi i in-house treninzi u kompanijama
- okupljanje agilne meetup zajednice jednom mesečno
- organizacija konferencije Dan agilnih ljudi jednom godišnje
- izdavačka delatnost

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